Who We Are

IT Consulting firm with a focus on IT Automation, DevOps, and Application Modernization. Our core motivation is to establish a driving force in Bismarck to grow high-tech people and solutions in ND.

Our Mission:

At Spark Group, our misison is to uplift the NOrth Dakota technology industry through excellence in servies, training, and mentorship. We accomplish this by creating a unique ecosystem of high demand, niche consulting services, tailored job skills training, and entrepreneur mentorship. In our work we strive for excellence with integrity. We desire to be known for our consistency and ability to accomplish the work we agree to.

Our Values

At Spark Group, we believe that it is imperative that we work hard to build and establish trust with our leadership, our coworkers, and our clients. We will show integrity both at and outside of work - remembering that our actions are either building up our reputation or tearing it down. We will live and work in an environment that is trusting of our clients, coworkers, and employees, ensuring that they are both equipped and empowered to accomplish their work effectively.

We believe that service comes out of a generous heart. As a company, we will seek to be generous with our knowlege, time, and finances. We will put our coworkers and customers first, ensuring that we are treating them as we want them to treat us. We will share our knowledge freely with our coworkers and customers keeping in mind that we both succeed and fail as a team.. And we will show respect to all, believing that all people have value both at and outside of work.

Finally if there is ever a choice to be made or question on how to act that is not covered by our values, we will live by the Golden Rule as it is found in the Bible in Matthew 7:12 - " So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..."